Increase Testosterone Posted on 10 Apr 20:58 , 0 comments

By Todd Lee MD
Who am I? Click here for my Bio!
How is testosterone made? WATCH THIS!!!
Why Increase Testosterone?
Testosterone is easily one of the most talked about hormones of the 21st century. All across America, middle aged men are being prescribed medication to increase testosterone levels. Why? Because Testosterone is the primary male hormone, it’s critical for survival and in general, being a man.
There are a plethora of benefits to increasing your testosterone and enough for a separate article, but to name just a few:
- Increased lifespan
- Increased physical attractiveness
- Increased sexual functioning
- Increased sex drive
- Increased muscle mass
- Increased strength
- Decreased whining
- Decreased body fat
Two Ways to Increase Your Testosterone: Exogenous and Endogenous
Endogenous is when your testes produce testosterone themselves. This is how natural testosterone is produced and Thor’s Hammer Combo Pack is the best natural testosterone booster on the market. My training as a biochemist and a medical doctor has given me a special skill set and I put it to work when I designed Thor’s Hammer. Part of the way it works is to tell your testes to make more natural testosterone. This is done by the function of DAA which is an amino acid. DAA binds to the testes and stimulates natural testosterone production. Other options exist like herbal based natural testosterone boosters. I included some of those as well in Thor’s Hammer!
Another method is the inhibition of the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen which is horrible for men. Estrogen is the complete opposite of testosterone as it is the primary female sex hormone. Thor’s Hammer has 2 powerful estrogen conversion stopping ingredients: 7,8 benzoflavone and Arimistane (androsta 3 5-diene-7 17-dione)! This combination is specifically designed to optimize and improve your anabolic environment by helping to reduce estrogen levels. Having the right supplements that assist in blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen will make a BIG difference!
Exogenous is when you take prescription testosterone or their safer option, anabolic steroids. This allows you to control exactly how much testosterone you want to have and the only real drawback is while you’re taking it, your body stops producing its own supply of test.
General practitioners are typically not properly trained to assist an athlete with their anabolic goals. Even trained endocrinologists miss the mark most of the time. These professionals are taught to deal with very sick people and to ‘try’ to bring them to a place of ‘normal’ health. They are not dealing with extreme athletes with real fitness and bodybuilding goals.
My experience with training and coaching athletes has shown me the downside of going to a doctor for testosterone. They are notorious for prescribing it wrong. They either use too little and it’s more harm than good. Sometimes they administer shots so infrequently it doesn’t work. I feel most intelligent people are better off handling it themselves with either a natural test booster like Thor's Hammer or an educated reasonable cycle of anabolic steroids. As counterintuitive as it sounds, the people who trust their doctor get the worst treatment and have the worst outcomes. Why? Keep reading.
Whatever stack you are taking…. By adding Thor's hammer combo pack you can help prevent the body from “shut down," the term for when the body sees you're taking testosterone into your body and stops making its own testosterone. This practice of using a natural booster while on cycle is called On Cycle Therapy.
New clients come to me with ‘Shut Down’ after their family doctor has prescribed test without also providing them with OTC. They are given just enough to tell the body to stop making its own natural testosterone, but not enough to do what it’s supposed to do. Now, they are shut down and they are worse than when they went to their doctor in the first place.
Castration of America
When I was growing up men were men. Men were allowed to act like men without social backlash and women were into men who were masculine.
During the ‘90s behavioral science became all the rage. Prozac was invented and now depression, the illness prozac was FDA approved for, was a very common widespread disease. Before this time mental illness was relatively rare and looked down on, but now that Prozac and other SSRIs were developed and FDA approved for treatment of depression, business savvy psychiatrists began diagnosing depression left and right so that they could write prescriptions for SSRIs.
After the public caught on to the financially motivated rise in the amount of new cases of depression each year, the FDA approved SSRIs for all sorts of mental illness. Now the incidence of depression wasn’t the only thing up, all mental illnesses are more prevalent.
Just to clarify, America did not become depressed overnight, a way of making money off diagnosing depression was created and now there is a reason to misdiagnose people.
To compensate for this “rise in mental illness” more Psychiatrists were in demand. But because it takes 13 years out of high school to become a psychiatrist and only 2 years to become a social worker, hospitals were hiring social workers and having them handle all the talking and having one psychiatrist sign off on the judgment calls of drastically less educated social workers. This is because a social workers make 10$ an hour and Psychiatrists make about $300. So the Hospital saves money having 1 Psychiatrist who oversees a legion of social workers, whether they know what they are doing or not.
This huge upswing in demand for mental illness professionals created a public interest in psychology. Now social workers who are primarily middle aged women were encouraging men to behave more like women, that a gender neutral culture would be better for everyone. Likewise, women were encouraged not to raise their children but to hire a nanny or drop their kids off at daycare and to become more like men in dress and action including putting career before family.
What wasn't taken into account was sexaul attraction based on instinct. By having men act more like women and women act more like men both genders became less sexually attractive and the depression of the ‘90s was exacerbated by this now gender ambiguous culture not having as much sex. Just think Kurt Cobain and Janeane Garofalo, both skirting androgyny right?
So, you have a medication that is practically in the water which reduces sex drive and the leading science du jour is to have both genders have moderately long hair and listen to male rappers who get their nails done. Gender roles and human sexuallity are at an all time low since the 1950s.
Re-Ma$culinization of America
With the invention of Androgel, Doctors found a way to safely and effectively increase testosterone in men without using needles. Men raised in the 90s are not made like they were used to. They are afraid of pain and choose not to use a needle. So cunning businessman with medical degrees used Androgel to bridge this gap. To give the males of America their masculinity back by administering male sex hormone with a pleasant smelling topical gel. Now it all comes full circle, a new drug can be profited from, so a new disease must be created to scare people into taking the drug. A drug the lay person used to call steroids.
In the 1980s, for almost no reason at all, there was a brutal witch hunt on baseball players for using steroids. Before this time, anabolic steroids and the parent hormone testosterone were normal prescription medications used for decades to improve athletic performance and masculinity. At this time, women were attracted to masculine men and it made sense for men to take steroids just like women get breast surgeries; to attract the members of the opposite sex.
However, after this witch hunt on steroids and the gender ambiguation of the 90s it was socially unacceptable for men to be heavily muscled. People would mock and ridicule muscular men erroneously claiming they had small penises, likely based on jealousy. To this day, women ask me if big muscles make penises smaller. Seriously, people are that stupid. Why would the male hormone decrease the size of an organ dependant on the male hormone to grow?? Incredibly gullible people lacking common sense are the norm these days.
The public was lied to about the dangers of steroids just like they were lied to about the dangers of marijuana with the government propaganda film “reefer madness”. The US government used uninformed doctors to push their political agenda of vilifying steroid users as violent drug addicts without reasonable evidence of the drug being harmful or dangerous, just embellished details and twisted data to push an agenda. Identical to the US government’s mistreatment of marijuana.
The only evidence they had were long term abuse cases of the most extreme steroids and even then, the cases were cherry picked for the most dramatic side effects. In no way did the government investigate a normal amount used for a normal amount of time. The AMA (American Medical Association), The FDA (Food and Drug administration), and the DEA (drug enforcement agency) testified in congress THAT STEROIDS ARE NOT HARMFUL, NOT ADDICTIVE AND SHOULD NOT BE A SCHEDULED NARCOTIC. So every single government agency agreed, steroids are not drugs but medications, and CONGRESS DID NOT LISTEN!!!!!!!! Clearly, our corrupt politicians were bribed.
To reiterate: The leading doctors, scientists, and POLICE all agree making steroids illegal is wrong, but it was made into a illegal drug with prison time, for political reasons.
I would like to point out that to this day, birth control pills are by far the most dangerous form of steroids. Oh, you didn’t know your birth control pills were steroids? Your doctor didn’t tell you? He didn’t tell you they are more dangerous than any anabolic steroid?
Why am I not surprised.
Now in the 21st century, the media has to do a full 180 degree turn to sell steroids to the people, or does it? Instead of trying to convince the public to trust steroids after the media just got done vilifying it 20 years earlier, clever marketers sold men on the idea of “Low T”. That they are not taking performance enhancing drugs to get more masculine, but that they have a “disease” of “Low T”. And this is medicine to treat said disease. BULLSHIT.
Not calling Testosterone, ‘testosterone’, but calling it “T” was to conceal the fact that the drug Androgel was nothing but the very steroid all these famous sports heroes career’s were ruined over. That the men who are now old enough to need their testosterone to function like a man would feel like a hypocrite for using the very drugs they rallied against when they were 20 years younger and didn’t understand the effects of aging on self esteem and sexual performance. So, to circumvent reteaching the public, the medical community teamed up with the media and lied to you America!
To alleviate the guilt of all these judgmental hypocrites, clever bullshit like “Low T” was invented so the average joe thought he was on some magic fountain of youth elixir, not just a run of the mill steroid user, which he is. The only difference is his dealer has an MD.
Only his dealer does not take into consideration the side effects and suggest rescue drugs like an honest street dealer would. He WANTS it to make you a life time customer, dependant on him for erections now that the pitifully low dose he prescribes has shut you down completely.
I created Thor's Hammer to stop this from happening, to give people an over the counter armor against their bad doctors, and make it easy for those smart enough to handle it themself to protect themselves from side effects.
Of course the best option is to increase your testosterone the natural way using Thor’s Hammer Combo Pack
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All statements are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.