Yohimbine Dosage Posted on 10 Apr 20:58 , 0 comments

By Todd Lee M.D.
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Yohimbine HCl
Yohimbine HCl is one of my favorite supplement ingredients. It’s effective as both a fat burner and as a male sexual enhancer. And it has been proven to work by helping people burn fat from stubborn fat regions on their body. It was the old gold standard for Erectile Disfunction and most other male and female sexual disorders. The most common error while using Yohimbine is improper dosage.
For the previous article on Yohimbine HCl Click here!
Yohimbine Over Dosage
Some people consider (erroneously) Yohimbine HCl to be dangerous because aside from its primary effects, ‘fat loss and sex enhancer’, it is also an MAO inhibitor. This means that it will interfere with someone’s psychiatric medication and possibly cause side effects do to the combination of the medications. But for PHYSICALLY HEALTHY and MENTALLY HEALTHY people there is a safe dosing range. People with pre existing conditions that involve the adrenal system/heart/anxiety or on medications that are not to be mixed with MAO inhibitors may have side effects from their health or medications; Not from the yohimbine per se. This makes it hard to explain what the side effects are, they are dependant on the person, their emotional baggage, and the pills they are on for their emotional baggage.
For example:
“participants with less anxiety at baseline that receiving 15 mg yohimbine did not influence anxiety as measured by either EEG or self-report, while those with higher baseline anxiety experienced an exacerbation of anxiety on both measures; general arousal was increased in both groups.”http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9004342 (<– that’s the link to the quote)
This means if they were anxious to begin with they stayed anxious. If the weren't anxious before using Yohimbine HCl they didn't develop anxiety.
However, 7% of caucasian people are sensitive to yohimbine, they don’t have the CYP2D6 enzyme to metabolize it and a little bit goes along way with these people. I dosed Valhalla Labs' Fenris Fury and ToddLeeMD.com Pre-Workout with Yohimbine HCl at 3 mg per serving to account for this.
When do I take Yohimbine and how much do I take for fat loss?
Yohimbine’s claim to fame is that it can help women reduce body fat from their thighs and the backs of their arms. The reason for this stubborn fat storage is the female hormone, estrogen. It causes more of the fat locking receptors (alpha 2) to be found on the fat cells in those locations. Yohimbine HCl is an alpha 2 blocker and thus may allow fat to be burned from those locations faster.
A topical application of Yohimbine HCl to target the fat cells but avoid getting the yohimbine into your system. Using the topical application makes dosage less precise because not all people absorb topical compounds equally. No significant amount makes it into the bloodstream so even people sensitive to yohimbine should be fine. I have before and I will again have a topical fat burner for sale. Likely it will be coupled with a oral capsule to activate the topical application.
In the case of oral administration, yohimbine should be taken on an empty stomach for maximum fat burning effects. You take your yohimbine first thing in the morning and right before you lift; the two times of day your stomach should be as empty as possible. That is why I have yohimbine in Fenris Fury and TLMD.COM Pre-Workout. I personally have 1/3 serving of either of those in my Thor's Hammer (my first thing in the morning supplement) and a full serving pre workout.
Yohimbine amplifies Ketogenesis, meaning it helps the liver make energy for your brain from fat when there are no carbs or insulin present in your blood. This is why yohimbine works best first thing in the morning and pre workout while in a carb backloading diet; You have no insulin present and are primed for ketosis and thus maximum fat burning!
I designed TLMD.com Pre-Workout and Fenris Fury to maximize the benefits of a carb backloading diet. They will work as well or better then other pre workouts on a different diet, but on a CBL, Keto, or Body Opus diet they will outshine all competitors.
In English: This means If you take it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and also pre workout, and have no carbs all day until after your workout, you’ll burn more fat.
I dosed it at 3 mg at each of these times. Clearly below the threshold for reported side effects. Normal doses are anywhere from 15-30 mg of yohimbine and side effects don’t usually manifest until doses of 30-40 mg are exceeded.
ALWAYS do half dose of Yohimbine the first use. Valhalla-Labs.com products do not have to be half dosed as I put 3 mg, not 15 or 30, in each serving of TLMD.Com Pre-Workout and Fenris' Fury.
What is the Yohimbine Dosage for Appetite Suppression?
Obese rats were fed yohimbine and it reduced their food intake by 50% on day one, and 25% on day 13! This is another way it reduces body fat. The dose was 3 mg / Kg in rat which roughly translates to about 25 mg in an obese human. Surprisingly lean mice’s appetite was not reduced by this dose, but a dose of 5mg/ Kg roughly 40 mg in a human works on lean mice (and perhaps humans ) as well.
What is the Yohimbine Dosage for Erectile Dysfunction?
For ED doses ranging from 5.4 mg to 30 mg were prescribed prior to the PDE5 inhibitors being invented (Viagra, Cialis). PDE5s work on a similar mechanism, allowing more Nitric Oxide to be released. But with yohimbine it also traps the blood in the penis, so the combination of Agmatine Sulfate, DAA, and Yohimbine HCl found in Thor's Hammer and Fenris Fury in combination is ideal for helping with ED.
Get Your Fenris' Fury Or ToddLeeMD.com Pre-Workout Here!!!!!
For more on information on Yohimbine Click Here!
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All statements are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.